Episode 9

Still in Leandro's office

Narrator: Leandro and Steven enter the crowded club, surrounded by loud music and flashing lights. They make their way to the bar, ordering drinks as they scan the room.

Leandro: This place is packed tonight. Let's find a spot where we can relax and enjoy ourselves.

Steven: Agreed. It's been a long day. We deserve some fun.

They find a booth in a quieter area of the club and sit down.

Leandro: So, how's everything going with you? Any developments on that project we were discussing?

Steven: Actually, yes. I managed to secure a meeting with the investor we were targeting. It's scheduled for next week. I think we have a good chance of getting their support.

Leandro: That's great news, Steven. I knew you could make it happen. We'll celebrate tonight and then focus on preparing for that meeting.

As they continue to chat and enjoy their drinks, Leandro's phone buzzes. He glances at it and sees a photo message from Carlos, showing Alexa getting into a car.

Leandro: (thinking) So she's finally on her way to the office. I hope everything goes smoothly for her.

Back at the office, Alexa sits at her desk, going through her emails and planning out her day. She can't help but feel a sense of unease knowing that Carlos is constantly watching her.

Alexa: (thinking) I can't believe Leandro went to such lengths to ensure my safety. I appreciate the gesture, but it's going to take some getting used to having someone constantly by my side.

Just then, her phone buzzes, indicating a new message. She opens it and sees the photo that Carlos took earlier. It's a reminder that she's being watched, whether she likes it or not.

Alexa: (thinking) I need to find a way to make peace with this situation. It's for my own safety, after all. But I can't help feeling like my every move is being monitored.

Meanwhile, Leandro and Steven continue to enjoy their night at the club, oblivious to the thoughts racing through Alexa's mind. Little do they know that their lives are about to change in ways they never expected.

As a professional novel writer in English, you will need to rewrite a novel in English. Please be careful to keep the paragraph structure in its original state and do not add any additional explanations.

In the VIP

As I stepped into the dimly lit room, the beats of the music engulfed me. The air was thick with a mix of expensive perfume and sweaty bodies. The VIP lounge was filled with a motley crew of celebrities, socialites, and wannabes, all vying for attention. I carefully made my way through the crowd, clutching my champagne glass. The atmosphere was charged with an intoxicating blend of excitement and decadence.

Glancing around, my eyes fell on a familiar face. It was none other than Maxine Montgomery, the famous actress. Her stunning presence commanded the room, as everyone turned to catch a glimpse of the star. She was surrounded by a group of adoring fans, hanging on to her every word. Maxine effortlessly exuded an aura of glamour and charm, effortlessly stealing the spotlight.

I decided to make my way towards the bar to get a refill. Along the way, I caught snippets of conversations filled with gossip and intrigue. The room seemed to crackle with whispered secrets and hidden agendas. It was as if every word spoken carried weight and consequence.

As I finally reached the bar, I noticed a man sitting alone at a corner booth. He wore a finely tailored suit that screamed money and power. His piercing blue eyes darted around the room, observing everything and nothing at the same time. There was an air of mystery and danger surrounding him, making him the object of curiosity for many. Who was this enigmatic figure and what secrets did he hold?

The night wore on, and the energy in the room seemed to escalate. The dance floor was now packed with bodies moving in sync with the pulsating rhythm. The DJ expertly mixed the beats, creating a mesmerizing experience for every soul in the room. As I watched the crowd lose themselves in the music, I couldn't help but get caught up in the whirlwind of emotions myself.

As the night drew to a close, I reluctantly made my way towards the exit. The VIP lounge had provided an unforgettable glimpse into a world of glitz and glamour. But beneath the surface, I couldn't help but feel a sense of hollowness. I realized that behind the captivating facade, there were stories of struggle, sacrifice, and unfulfilled dreams. With a heavy heart, I stepped back into reality, forever changed by my time in the VIP.

Narrator: Leandro was sitting, having a drink, while Steven was talking to the owner of the place to arrange for some girls to come and entertain them.

Steven: Alright, Leandro, the girls are on their way -excitedly gesturing- 😁

Leandro: 📱-checking his phone and sees a message from Carlos security- "Wow, you look like a queen with all that money, you sneaky cheat" -smiles-

Steven: Hey! Leandro, aren't you seeing these beautiful women we have here, brother? What are you looking at? What could be more entertaining than looking at these beautiful women?

Leandro: I don't like them!! Change them..

Steven: But they're the hottest ones out there, Leandro. What's wrong with you?

Leandro: -runs his hands through his face, showing his frustration- I'm sorry, Steven, but I'm not in the mood for this right now. I better leave.

Steven: But Leandro, what happened?...

Leandro: Have a good time, brother. -he left-

Narrator: Steven stayed with the two women, getting distracted 😏😏

Narrator: Meanwhile, Leandro went home because he couldn't stop thinking about her.

Leandro: -talking to himself- What the hell is wrong with me? I can't stop thinking about her beautiful eyes... -takes a sip of his drink-

Meanwhile, in England...

Marketing Company

Fernanda welcomes her sister-in-law and asks all employees to please welcome her along with her.

Alexa: -steps out of the car and walks to the entrance of the company with her bodyguard close to her.

She enters the company and everyone shouts welcome-😁😊

Fernanda: Welcome, sister-in-law 😁 I hope you're comfortable working with us now.

Alexa: Thank you very much, everyone, for this warm welcome.

Narrator: Fernanda showed Alexa her office.

Fernanda: And do you like it?

Alexa: Fernanda, this is not necessary, it's too much.

Fernanda: You're my sister-in-law and you'll be the temporary president of this company, obviously you need an office this big, my dear.

Alexa: I feel like it's too much.

Fernanda: Enjoy it.

Narrator: Fernanda explained the management of the company to her sister-in-law and she quickly grasped everything, but she still has a few days to learn some things she might be missing.

After a few hours...

Alexa: I have to leave early today, there's a charity event and I agreed to go with Mrs. Liliana.

Fernanda: You'll go with mom? Oh no, I really don't feel like doing charity work, I can donate but going to those places, I'm sorry, it's just not for me.

Alexa: Well, I do want to see what these events are like, we'll go to deliver resources to an animal shelter.

Fernanda: I don't like animals, sorry! But you know that every year we have a series of events and the best companies compete, and we will also compete 😁 and always manage to be the best to get the first place because it benefits us, it gives us publicity, and the winner of first place gets a maximum donation to public hospitals, so sister-in-law, we'll have a lot of work.

Alexa: But what about you going on your honeymoon...

Fernanda: But you'll be there and my cousin Benjamin, he's the best photographer in the company, so he also participates in the events, we always win the best place, and with his help, you'll win too.

Alexa: Oh, great, I can't wait to meet him.

Fernanda: He's in California, he'll arrive for my wedding 😊

Narrator: Alexa accompanied her mother-in-law to deliver resources to abandoned animals.

Alexa: God, how cute these little things are 🥺

Mrs. Liliana: Well, indeed they are the most beautiful little things in the world.

Carlos - taking photos and reporting to his boss -



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