Episode 10

Perhaps because he was her first and had introduced her to the delights of lovemaking in such a pleasurable way, she had developed an addiction to him and his body. Apart from the fact that he was a gorgeous and irresistible man, capable of making any woman fall for him with just one of his sensual smiles that undoubtedly drove every woman wild.

With this thought, Amanda noticed the rumble in her stomach and realized she had gone hours without eating, so she decided to go downstairs to see if she could find something to snack on. Given the late hour, Vincenzo had surely ordered dinner to be cleared away. But before descending, she looked at the sheet stained with evidence of her lost virginity, snatched it up, and rushed to the bathroom to try and wash out the blood before the maid came to take it to the laundry.

She reached the elegant bathroom sink, turned on the faucet, and started vigorously scrubbing the now-dry and tougher stain. Luckily, there was an array of cleaning products in the bathroom cabinet, where she found soap and bleach. After washing the sheet with these products, she managed to remove the stain completely. Now, she needed to dry it and place it back with the other linens that were surely there to be laundered. Finding a modern dryer, she dried the wet area on the sheet.

She knew Vincenzo intended to dispose of the sheet, but if he came home late the next day and the maid came for the soiled linens to send out for washing, she would be incredibly embarrassed if she saw it. So, Amanda took matters into her own hands.

Now feeling calmer, Amanda quickly brushed her long, straight hair that fell to her slender waist. She slipped on low-heeled sandals, one pair out of the many shoes he had bought her, and left the room.

As she descended the stairs, Amanda had no idea where the kitchen was located and wandered about until she came across a room that seemed to be a dining area, where a beautiful woman around thirty with blonde hair was dining quietly at the table.

Amanda approached, both hesitant and curious to know who this young, beautiful woman was.

As she drew nearer, Mrs. Helen entered the room with a tray bearing what seemed to be a dessert and placed it on the table.

"Miss Amanda, you must be starving. Don Salvatore instructed me to bring your dinner to your room since you were feeling unwell," Mrs. Helen said, surprised and shocked to see Amanda present.

"So\, you're Vincenzo's new little w***e. I must admit he's outdone himself this time. I didn't realize he enjoyed toying with inexperienced little girls who surely don't know how to please a man in bed–which must be your case\," the woman said\, looking at Amanda with anger and contempt as if she were the scum of the earth\, which infuriated Amanda. What she really wanted was to pour all the juice on the table over that silicone-adorned bimbo—yes\, because those breasts nearly spilling out of her dress were undoubtedly fake.

"Excuse me, Miss Sabrina. But Don Salvatore has informed us that Miss Amanda is his fiancee and instructed us all to treat her with the utmost respect," said Mrs. Helen, slightly wary.

"I don't remember asking you anything, you nosy old hag," Sabrina spat with venom.

"And you really think I'll believe that Vincenzo would give up a beautiful, wonderful woman like me for some tasteless little girl who's barely out of diapers? And despite being so fashionably dressed, it's clear from your poor-girl face you don't have two pennies to rub together," Sabrina remarked scornfully, sizing up Amanda once more.

Unable to remain silent any longer, Amanda now knew who this woman was—one of Vincenzo's many flings he'd mentioned—and it filled her with rage and, worst of all, with intense jealousy.

"Look here, you washed-up hag. All your wealth is useless if you lack the manners to respect your elders. Mrs. Helen deserves respect. Don't think you can talk to her that way just because she's a maid, and I'd bet anything she's a far better person than you," Amanda said, approaching and placing her palms on the table opposite Sabrina.

"Since when must I respect those who interfere where they're not wanted, especially after the absurdity that I just heard—that you, you impertinent brat, are Vincenzo's fiancee?" retorted Sabrina, rising from her seat and facing Amanda.

Mrs. Helen, seeing that the two were almost ready to come to blows by the look they gave each other, was unsure of what to do as the women continued to argue. With the constant coming and going of women in Don Salvatore's home, she thought that sooner or later, something like this was bound to happen. Mrs. Helen was extremely nervous about what to do next, so she ran to the kitchen and summoned the driver and the gardener, who were nearby, to hold back the women should things escalate to violence.

When Mrs. Helen returned to the dining area with the two men and other curious household staff who had come to witness the commotion, they walked in precisely as Amanda dumped an entire pitcher of orange juice over Sabrina's head, soaking her blonde locks and making them sticky. She only did it because Sabrina had insulted her, calling her degrading names as if she were nothing.

"That's to cool your head because you're too worked up, and I've heard nothing works like cold water, or, in this case, even chilly juice, to soothe a temper," Amanda smirked.

The employees, who disliked Sabrina for her mistreatment of them whenever she visited Don Salvatore—who they referred to as such—struggled to suppress their laughter, secretly delighted with the courageous girl's handling of Sabrina.

"You shameless tramp! How dare you drench me like that," Sabrina retaliated, grabbing another jug—this one filled with passion fruit juice—and pouring it over Amanda, drenching her as well and leaving her hair sticky.

Amanda, burning with rage, wasn't going to be outdone; she grabbed a tray of pudding and overturned it on Sabrina's head, who responded by tossing another dessert at Amanda. What ensued was a food fight of epic proportions, dirtying the entire room, and as the women refrained from further physical contact, Mrs. Helen and the staff could only smile quietly and discreetly to themselves—at least they were all on Amanda's side, the boss's fiancee, especially Mrs. Helen, whom Amanda had defended against Sabrina's ill treatment.

When the food at the table was exhausted, Sabrina dared to slap Amanda across the face, which was akin to provoking a wild beast, for Amanda struck back powerfully, throwing Sabrina off balance and nearly to the floor. However, instead of falling, Sabrina lunged at Amanda, grabbing her sticky, juice-soaked hair. Amanda did the same, engaging in a physical struggle, but managed to use a move learned from a friend—a police officer's daughter—to knock Sabrina down in the dining room, then started slapping her flush in the face. Though Sabrina was taller and seemed stronger, she couldn't fend off the girl's onslaught, and it was at this precise moment when Vincenzo walked in, completely flabbergasted by the ridiculous scene unfolding in his dining room.

Sabrina was sprawled on the floor, coated in some sort of food, struggling to hold back Amanda, in full attack mode like a wildcat, and what was worse, his employees simply watched without intervening to separate them—rather, to pull Amanda off Sabrina before she inflicted serious harm.

"What on earth is going on here?" Vincenzo bellowed furiously.

"Amanda, let go of Sabrina now!" he commanded, but Amanda disobeyed, continuing to grip Sabrina's hair and bash her head against the floor.

"I said get off Sabrina, damn it!" he exclaimed, wrenching Amanda’s arm roughly and forcefully pulling her away from Sabrina.

Sabrina rose from the ground, weeping and wailing, with a trickle of blood at the corner of her mouth and her face all red.

"Let go of me! I haven't finished with that cow!" Amanda shouted angrily, attempting to break free from Vincenzo's grip, now holding her by the waist.

"My dear Vincenzo, look what this wild beast did to my face, and I didn't do anything to provoke her. I was just sitting here quietly having my meal," Sabrina whimpered, oozing drama with a sugary tone.

Vincenzo flung Amanda onto the couch, dirty as she was.

"Now, calm down!" he snapped, visibly annoyed.

"And you, why didn't you do anything? If I hadn't arrived when I did, this hellcat would've killed Sabrina. Good thing one of the security guards heard the commotion and called me," Vincenzo scolded the employees, who all remained silent and shameful, unable to admit that they hadn’t stopped Amanda because she was meting out the punishment most of the maids had long wished to inflict on Sabrina, though they could never dare without risking their jobs.

"Clean up this mess right now! This place looks more like a pigsty than a dining room," he ordered, irritatedly, as they went to fetch cleaning supplies to tidy up the disaster.

"And Sabrina. How many times have I told you to only come to my house when I invite you?" Vincenzo sternly approached Sabrina, his tone serious.

"But you haven't called me in so long, and I was missing you and—"

"It doesn’t matter what I did or did not do, you know how things are between us and you’d better head home, we'll talk later. Ok?!" Vincenzo interrupted her, gently stroking her injured face with a charming smile, which didn't escape Amanda and stoked her jealousy.

Vincenzo, despite his irritation, was tempted to laugh, never picturing Sabrina in such a disheveled and dirty state, but the situation was no joking matter, and Amanda had no right to treat Sabrina like that. What he and Sabrina shared was nothing but sex, and even with Amanda, it was only sex—though he had known Sabrina for much longer.

After a begrudging and messy Sabrina had left for home, it was time for him to deal with Amanda and put her in her place once and for all. He grabbed her arm, pulled her up the stairs, and marched her away.



Yeah, tough Amanda! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👍🏼💖



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