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From Secretary To Wife

Episode 1

Alexa: Hi, I'm Alexa, I'm 25 years old and I work for a highly recognized advertising company, both nationally and internationally.

I have been a slave to work ever since I joined this company because my boss is an inhuman who works tirelessly for hours on end... And when I get a break, it's because he goes off with his friend Steven to meetings, parties, and other things, and then he returns to work. That's why I call him the inhuman.

You may wonder why I have endured working with him for so many years.

Usually, children inherit their parents' assets, well, my father left me with such a huge debt that I have been working with my salary seized for 6 years, and I have only been able to pay off 30% of the debt.

But there's something else... In order to work in this company for 6 years with such a womanizer boss, I had to change my appearance, that is, I am a version of "Ugly Betty". This way, I was able to get the job and spend six years with this ogre without him trying to seduce me... Although, to be honest, he is a beautiful man, with a handsome face, beautiful eyes, perfect nose, and a body like Superman, he is gorgeous!!! But I have learned to see him as my impossible dream, I wouldn't want to be just another in his life.

I have seen him change women like changing shirts, this man is as addicted to work as he is to women.

But, as I said, this job has helped me financially to move forward. Once my father passed away, I was left alone in the world, as my mother abandoned us when I was only a year old, and my father took care of me until he suffered a sudden heart attack. Since then, I had to leave the house where I lived and come to the center of the country where I found this job with a very good salary.

Hello, I am Leandro. I am 29 years old and I have been a workaholic ever since my father put me in charge of the company. I have done everything possible to prioritize the company's success on a national level.

Although it can be said that I have lived a truly happy life, as I have had everything handed to me on a silver platter, there is one thing that is bothering me. If I am not married by the time I turn 30, the company will be handed over to my stepbrother, as per my father's will.

My father believed that by forcing me to get married, I would change my ways and become a respectable man and a family man... But those are things I consider unnecessary in life. Women are a weakness, so I make sure I have no weaknesses for any of them.

It is worth mentioning that I always have a line of opportunistic women behind me.

Apart from my mother and sister, the only woman I can trust is my secretary, whom I have been working with for 6 years. She has never let me down. Although her appearance is quite ordinary, I like that about her. She is not an opportunist.

Episode 2

Narrator: The girl wakes up very early and goes to exercise, then she comes back to take a shower, has breakfast, and heads to the company very early, as she needs to be there before her boss arrives.

Alexa: Good morning, Mr. Leandro -with folders in one hand and a coffee in the other-

Thank you, Miss Alexa, for bringing me the companies that will compete for the campaign. I also have your personal agenda here to show you what you have scheduled for today.

Leandro: Thank you very much, Miss Alexa. You can leave now, and please let me know when Mr. Steven arrives.

I am Steven, Leandro's friend who sometimes takes him away from work, and you could say I am his conscience too. I am also 29 years old and work as a photographer in his company.

Hello, Miss Pavaronic, how are you? -smiles-

Alexa: and this is Mr. Steven, another womanizer, but he's a sweetheart, incredibly cute, and his flirtatious glances make me melt.

Serious - Good day, Mr. Stevens, Mr. Leandro is waiting for you in his office.

Steven: -flirting- You look just as beautiful today as you did yesterday -smiles-

Alexa: -serious- Thank you! I always have to remain serious with him to avoid any one-sided feelings. This man, I don't know, but he only charms women for fun.

Narrator: Steven enters his friend's office and finds him in a rage while talking on the phone.

📱 Leandro: Well, forget about it, Leonardo.

📱 Leonardo, stepbrother: Well, I'm just saying that you turn 30 in a month, and dad was very clear about what he said in his will.

📱 Leandro: Go to hell! This company belongs to my mother and father, so I will be the one in charge.

📱 Leonardo: Just a reminder, your father is my father, so I also have a right to that company.

📱 Leandro: Go to hell! (hangs up)

Steven: Your little brother again...

Leandro: Reminding me that I'll be 30 in a month and if I'm not married, he'll take over the company.

Steven: Two years ago, you gave him the opportunity to join the company, and all he did was steal and bring it to the brink of bankruptcy.

Leandro: He'd better hope I kill him before handing over my parents' company.

Steven: Well, what do you plan to do? Because he's right, you know.

Leandro: I'm going to get married, but I won't hand over my company.

Steven: Are you serious? But who with?

Leandro: I don't know, we have to find a woman who is not flashy, traditional, and with whom we can agree on money so that I can be at peace and she can have a good amount of money.

Steven: But do you already have someone in mind?

Narrator: At that moment, there's a knock on the door, and it's Alexa with some coffees.

Alexa: Excuse me, I brought you breakfast and this document that just arrived from the company Toda Moda, sir.

Narrator: While she speaks with her boss, Steven looks her up and down, studying her closely.

Leandro: Thank you very much, you may leave.

Steven: -interrupting his friend- Miss Pavaronic, are you married?

Alexa: -surprised by his question- I'm sorry?

Steven: Please forgive me, but I want to know if you're married.

Alexa: -my nerves betray me, God, why is this adonis asking me this?- No, Mr. Steven.

Steven: And do you currently have a boyfriend or partner?

Leandro: -noticing his secretary's discomfort, he says to his friend- Steven, please, show some respect!

Alexa: I don't have a partner or boyfriend, I don't have time for anything, Mr. Steven. I work from 7:00 in the morning until Mr. Leandro leaves. Is there anything else about my private life that you need to know? 🤨

Leandro: -apologetic- I'm sorry, Miss Alexa, please forgive us both.

Alexa: Excuse me -she walks out of the office-

Leandro: -angrily looks at Steven- -asks- What is wrong with you?

Steven: What do you mean what's wrong? Can't you see? She's perfect, exactly what we're looking for! She's discreet, intelligent, and beautiful.

Leandro: Beautiful? Haha, she's intelligent and discreet, yes.

Steven: Don't get confused, Leandro. She's a woman to marry, she's got it all, and yes, she's beautiful.

Leandro: I think your eyesight is failing. Even if she meets the requirements, I can't imagine being married to her, living with her, I don't think I can.

Steven: Well, remember, what you need is a wife in name and on paper. The rest, well, you can agree on having no intimacy, and that's it.

Leandro: But you don't understand... In order for me to have full control of the presidency, I have to get married and have children. That's why I haven't married before, if it was just about getting married, I would have done it a long time ago.

Steven: Even more reason why she's the best option for you. You already know her, and you know she's not crazy. She's discreet, intelligent, and a good girl.

Leandro: But at least she should bring something to the table, don't you think? I'm not saying she's ugly, I just feel like she's not my type!

Steven: Well, I find her attractive. She's beautiful, intelligent, exactly what I would look for when I get married.

Leandro: You are capable of grabbing onto anything that walks in front of you, no matter how unappealing.

Steven: Think about it and you'll realize that she is the most suitable option. Treat it like a job and you don't have to sleep with her if you don't want to. You can just ask her to undergo insemination and that's it.

Leandro: Shut up! If she has been working for me for so long, it's because I am not attracted to her at all. Let's drop this subject here.

Narrator: A few days passed and Leandro couldn't get the idea that his friend Steven had planted in his head out of his mind.

Episode 3

Narrator: It was about 9:00 PM and Leandro was still working when suddenly someone knocked on the door.

Leandro: Come in.

Alexa: With her purse in hand, excuse me sir, may I leave?

Leandro: Looks at his watch with surprise - asks - Alexa, why are you still here?

Alexa: I leave when you leave, remember I have a bonus for that, sir.

Leandro: Wait, I'll take you home. It's too late for you to go alone.

Alexa: Don't worry about it, I'll take a bus and get home quickly.

Leandro: No way, Alex. This won't happen again, I promise.

-In the car-

Leandro: Tell me, where do you live?

Alexa: Umm, I live at xx-88.

Leandro: Perfect, looking at her, we'll be there soon.

Alexa: Thank you very much for taking me home.

After a few minutes, they arrived at Alexa's house.

Leandro: Alexa, can you spare a few minutes for me to talk to you?

Alexa: Sure, if you want, I can offer you a coffee. Do you want to come in?

Leandro: Thanks.

Narrator: She has a small but very modest and well-organized apartment.

Alexa: Please go ahead, have a seat. I will make some coffee.

Leandro: Thank you very much - he sat on the couch -

Narrator: While Alexa was in the kitchen making coffee and sandwiches for dinner, Leandro in the living room noticed some envelopes on the table. He picked them up and read them. One of them contained a huge debt that she was paying off.

Alexa: Mr. Leandro, I apologize, but in my fridge, there is only regular food, not like what you are accustomed to. So, with all due respect, I offer you these sandwiches and, well, coffee.

Leandro: Don't worry, Alexa. I know what a sandwich is ☺️ and thank you very much. I am hungry.

Narrator: They started eating while Alexa took the opportunity to ask him what he wanted to talk to her about.

Alexa: -question- Sir, what did you have to tell me?

Leandro: Besides my mother and sister, you are the only woman I can trust... I have a very delicate problem that requires a lot of discretion.

Alexa: -interrupts- Health problem? 😳 "Alright, he probably has a disease because he's such a womanizer."

Leandro: No, no, it's something very delicate. I will explain everything so you understand, and then I will propose something. Well, here it goes. When my father passed away, he left in his will that I would inherit the presidency of the company, but he stated that by my 30th birthday, I must already be married. If I don't fulfill this requirement, the company will be transferred to Leonardo, my stepbrother.

Alexa: 😳 Oh my God! That is a problem, sir. Your brother is not good at managing the company; he already caused a lot of trouble with the fraud he committed.

Leandro: Exactly, that's why I need to get married... To avoid losing my company.

Alexa: Wow... I understand, of course! -smiles- Although, honestly, I can't imagine you married 😅😅 I'm sorry!

Leandro: Neither can I imagine myself married! That's why I need a trustworthy, intelligent woman, and obviously someone I only feel respect for, to marry, Alexa.

Alexa: Ohh, okay, I understand! But don't you know someone? One of those girls you date?

Leandro: Alexa, you haven't understood me. I am proposing to you to marry me and maintain a low-key marriage for a while until I can fully secure the company.

Alexa: What?? But sir, have you gone crazy? What do you mean we get married?

Leandro: Calm down!! It won't be a marriage for love, but a business. I only need a wife who can represent me well in front of everyone, and in private, well, there won't even be a need for a marital life because I will continue living my life as I have been, and you can do the same if you wish.

Alexa: I'm sorry, Leandro, but I feel like this is madness, what you're proposing to me 🙄

Leandro: I know, but it won't just benefit me. In exchange for this, I will pay off the debt you have with the central bank.

Alexa: -looks up quickly- Really???

Leandro: Yes, you will be free from that debt that I see you've been paying for years.

Alexa: Well, let me see if I understand. I will marry you, and we won't have intimacy. Basically, I will live like a first lady, so to speak, and you will also pay off my debt, is that it? -says skeptically-

Leandro: Exactly.

Alexa: -without thinking- When do we get married? -looking at him-

Leandro: -smiling- Thank you, Alexa, but I also want to make it clear that this could last for two to three years, is that okay with you?

Alexa: I have been paying off a debt for 6 years, and I have only managed to pay off 30%. Of course, I accept, Mr. Leandro.

Leandro: Perfect, then tomorrow I will have the contract prepared and, well, I will include some conditions you want, and I will also include some conditions of my own in writing. We will get married in no more than the day after tomorrow.

Alexa: I feel like this is madness, but the truth is, I would rather spend two or three years at most as your paper wife than pay off this debt until I'm 40.

Leandro: Don't worry, I understand. Now, I'll go rest. -shakes hands- Goodbye.

Narrator: Meanwhile... Alexa

Alexa: Oh God, am I doing the right thing accepting this proposal from Mr. Leandro? I know I'm basically selling myself, but I have been paying off this debt for so many years, and suddenly they propose this... I really see that I can get out of this debt without even having to do anything bad, so it's fine.

Narrator: On the other hand, we have Leandro in his car talking to Steven

📱 Steven: What do you want? It's late, Leandro.

📱 Leandro: I wanted to inform you that you will be my best man at the wedding.

📱 Steven: So, you are getting married after all.

📱 Leandro: Yes, I did what you told me and talked to Alexa. She agreed after I proposed to pay off her debt.

📱 Steven: Oh, that's good. From that perspective, both of you benefit. Well, goodbye, I'm going to sleep.

📱 Leandro: Hey, aren't you my friend? Shouldn't we go celebrate?

📱 Steven: You're not getting married for love, so goodbye!!!

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