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I choose you

Episode 1

Hello, my name is Aisen Smith Evans, and I am a werewolf.

I am 24 years old, a tall man at 6'3", with tanned skin, olivine green eyes, black hair, and yes, I am handsome.

My parents are Adriel Smith Alves and the most beautiful being on planet Earth that brought me to life is called Kevin Evans Santino.

I am second in the line of succession as the alpha of the Blue Moon pack, but in truth, I am an alpha, not of this pack or any other unless I decide so, but parting ways with my family is not in my plans.

Nor is taking on such a role; I am happy being a second, just like my brothers, and that doesn't make us any less.

We love and respect each other because that's how we were raised.

I have six siblings, though soon there will be seven of us.

I am the fourth born in a single birth, though for a long time, approximately 18 years, we were misled to believe there had only been three of us in that birth. However, the looks our father Adriel gave to my brother Aiden and me, and our dad Kevin's maternal instinct, I knew something was missing, something was slightly overshadowing our family's happiness.

And it remained so until I found the missing piece.

My brother Liam.

From the moment I saw him, there was no doubt; he was one of us. So, I brought him to the pack, taking advantage of a party, and presented him to my parents. I saw that from the moment they laid eyes on him, a sparkle and a special glimmer appeared in their eyes – I had not been mistaken; he was our brother.

I knew not because of the obvious resemblance to my dad Kevin but because of the familiar scent he carried. The only bad thing, making me slightly doubt, was his pronounced Russian accent. However, knowing that he had no pack and was unaware of his origins until his transformation alerted me.

My brother brought with him Mark, who is now my brother-in-law, and Don Tomas, who is the husband of the pack's witch. Since Mark entered the pack, he settled in the mansion and started calling my dad Kevin, “mom," and well, no one forbade anything, although my dad didn't quite like that he and my sister, well, you know what happened. But still, my dad always told us he was with us, supporting us through thick and thin, even if our decisions led us to make irreparable mistakes; he would always be there for us.

And this was proven to me when my dreams of having a beautiful family with my fated one, filled with many beautiful children, came crashing down. My wolf was left shattered and wounded when she, through a note, told us she didn't love us, that she had someone better. She had an ambition, and that was greatness; by my side, a mere second-in-command, since I did not want to claim the alpha position of her pack, would only be a plain pack member, not a queen, which was her dream. She said what had happened was a mistake, a mistake caused by the bond of fate, but she didn't believe in fate, so she followed her path.

I felt worthless.

Was all this true, or did she leave because I couldn't satisfy her thirst for greatness and power?

I felt wounded, betrayed, but I would never turn against my family, never kill my brother just to get the position and win over the girl – that was out of the question.

So, with the pain embedded in my chest and my wolf twisting in agony, I dressed and left the hotel room where we had consummated our union, grateful for my parents' upbringing for not marking her, not wanting to be tied to a woman not content with my status.

I moved on, with the support of my family. They upheld me, and together we overcame the depression that had stricken me.

But still, something she wrote in the note troubled me:

I am destined for greatness, not merely to be the wife of a simple yes-man, a second-rate. I was born to be a queen.

This without a doubt annoyed me; she was at that party with a purpose, but who?

Well, let me tell you, the party we attended was for the King Alpha; he was turning 55 and threw a bash where he invited all alphas from around the world, as well as kings and their families. My uncle Lucas Castell, the 2nd sorcerer king, my uncle Samuel, the vampire king, the king of the fairies, and the elf king. So, you can imagine how grand the celebration was; besides, the following day his eldest son would be crowned the new king.

My parents couldn't come, as my dad Kevin was just days away from giving birth, not wanting to leave the pack in case something went wrong. So, as his older children, it was our duty to attend and pay our respects and congratulations. That's where I caught her scent. I must say, when her scent reached me, I recognized it, knew she was my fated one; even my wolf recognized her, but I must admit, her scent wasn't as intoxicating as I had been told, as my father had described. I felt our bond, something drawing me to her, compelling me to seek her out. When I found her and she recognized me, I immediately took her hand and led her away from that noisy party, behaving like an animal as the only thing I did that night was fornicate with her. I thought I'd inquire all about her the next day.

But no, that didn't happen.

She left, and all I was left with was a note in my hand and a pain in my chest.

So, I decided to find her. I wouldn't let her do anything harmful to anyone I know.

The only way for her to become a queen was to find herself a king.

Episode 2


So I began searching for her, like mad for two reasons: I wanted to reject her personally, face to face, not through a note. I needed to see her squirm in agony before me. I had no plans to seek a replacement; there was no urgency. To sever ties with her, I had to reject her, and for that, I needed to find her.

And the second reason, I did not want any of my loved ones to suffer because of a bad woman.

Days went by and turned into months; exactly six months later, I was entering my father Kevin's company. My brother Liam was working there, and I wanted to invite him for lunch, so I went to get him.

But from the moment I entered the building, I felt restless, unusual—upon reaching the 40th floor, a delightful scent filled my nostrils.

Vanilla, sweet wood, and a hint of chocolate.


I was drawn to the scent, even my friend reacted to it.

My wolf Aiko growled with excitement.


Aiko: She is not our mate, but still, she smells delicious. I'd love to devour the one who emits such an exquisite scent.

Aisen: No kidding, brother. That creature will beg to be beneath us soon enough.

The scent belonged to a human; there was no doubt. Nevertheless, I would enjoy her and make her cry for daring to arouse everyone with her fragrance. The elevator dinged and the doors opened on the 55th floor, the presidential area. I was so captivated by the scent that I forgot my original purpose, but to my surprise, the intoxicating aroma that drove me wild emanated from that very floor. Hastily, I exited the elevator, searching all around for that rich fragrance until from a distance I saw two men leaving my father's conference room.

One was around 180 cm tall and the other slightly taller, both sharply dressed. One had black hair and silver eyes, his scent of coffee, but with a touch of that cloud-jumping aroma and a familiar note I couldn't place. The second, equally blonde with sky-blue eyes, and his scent.

Vanilla, sweet wood, and a hint of chocolate.


Wait, what?

A man.

You've got to be kidding me.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against it. Even if my mate had been a man, I would have accepted and loved him, but after my mate turned out to be a woman, now a man causes a reaction in me, especially this one, slightly shorter than me, with a muscular build similar to mine, his eyes cold, and a concealed weapon in his suit.

Damn, they were clearly a pair of mobsters. I hid to find out what they were talking about.

Then I saw the elevator doors open again, and out came Mark, my brother-in-law, who had the same idea I did. What shocked me was what I heard:

That damned fool was the imbecile who cheated on my brother and forced him to catch him with his lover while expecting his own child.

Yes, my family doesn't know the sad story of my little brother and his mate, but I do, and I've sworn always to protect him, and here was the scoundrel who found him.

"And what can I do?"

He sounded very agitated.

The bastard.

"Just get close, ask for a few minutes of his time to talk, apologize"if he keeps saying he isn't Mardel, then ask to be his friend, then little by little, pretend. Fall in love, I don't know, come up with something, but be genuine, be yourself, not that despotic, rude boor who demands and gives nothing in return.

The other charmer replied.

Now I'm furious. Not even with that rich scent will I take him to bed; he's probably another arrogant jerk just like his friend.


Why do such people exist everywhere; why are humans often so deceitful?

My ruminations are cut short as I notice that human alone—the other had left.

I just hope my brother doesn't forgive him.

I stride toward the human who makes me swoon with his scent, trying to ensure my actions match what I'm about to confront.

Aisen: Who are you, and what are you doing here? Last I checked, this is a decent company that has no place for mobsters.

He turns around, frowning, arms crossed, sizing me up. For a moment, I see him bite his lip as his gaze passes over my alert friend who is making a noticeable appearance.

Damn, just a look from him has me at a thousand; I must control this overwhelming urge to take him, penetrate him, and plunge into him until I collapse from exhaustion.

Cursed thoughts.

My foolishness betrays me.


Aiko: Let's claim him before someone else does.

Aisen: We can't, that mobster is the friend of the idiot who betrayed and made our little brother suffer.

Aiko: But if we don't, someone else will take possession of that beautiful, exquisite, and highly desirable human being.

Aisen: Don't make this hard, buddy, control yourself.

His soft, sexy voice interrupts my chat, and as if that weren't enough, my erection starts to ache even more.

"You don't need to explain your business to us, kid. Why don't you go back to school and do your homework?"


Did he say kid?

I scowl.

"Sorry, I think you're the one who needs help with something. Why don't you tend to it instead of bothering people, okay?"

I had to leave that place immediately; I had no ground to rebut, especially not in this state.

I turned around and began walking towards the bathrooms. As I did, I heard:

"If you want, I could help you out."

Aisen: No, thank you, someone else will.

"Good luck with puberty then."

I heard him mocking me further, but I couldn't linger any longer.

The playful giggle that escaped his lips pushed me to my limit, and the subtle scent of his arousal drove me mad. Reaching the bathrooms, I locked myself in a stall, took out my friend to stroke it a couple of times, and...

Damn, that was ridiculously quick.

Episode 3


My name is Sebastian Greco. I'm 29, hailing from Italy. I stand tall at 1.80 meters with fair skin, sky-blue eyes, and chestnut hair.

An only child, my father raised me alone after my mother abandoned us days following my birth. Back then, my father was not well-off, which prompted her departure – the reason I abhor her, swearing to myself that if ever I crossed paths with her, I'd end her life with my own hands.

Moving on, my father had a university friend, who had earned a 100% scholarship to one of the country's most prestigious institutions. Despite entering such a place, my father remained humble, which made him a target of bullying. Mr. Enzo Rinaldi extended his hand in friendship, and they became close. However, at the time, my mother became pregnant, and well, my father left school, took on work to support my mother, and subsequently lost touch with Mr. Enzo. After my mother left us, my father was jobless, without the means to support a newborn. That night, heart heavy with sorrow, he decided to leave me at an orphanage. He carried me through the cold to the orphanage, but just before he could leave me at its door, a noise startled him. Turning around, he found a nearly dead man. Having studied medicine before abandoning it, my father recognized him.

His friend,

Enzo Rinaldi.

He helped him up and returned home, still holding me. He removed the bullets, cleaned the wounds; the man had passed out from blood loss. Fortuitously my dad was a universal donor and still had enough medical supplies from school to perform a blood transfusion. Upon awakening and realizing his great friend had saved him, Mr. Enzo offered a reward, but my father shared our predicament. Mr. Enzo took us into his home, making my father his right-hand man, and life began to smile upon Dad. Mr. Enzo eventually became the leader of his father's mafia, and that's how I ended up here.

Now the right hand of the most arrogant, haughty person I know – but what more can I say? Alessandro's been my best and only friend. He's a year younger, we grew up together, attended schools together; his father ensured we were in the top institutions and he paid for my education, like a second father to me. That's why I hold him in high regard. From the start, we were best friends, got into trouble together, and he was even supportive when I came out to my dad, encouraging me to do so. Even Mr. Enzo supported me, no judgement, though Alessandro got slightly upset upon learning I was gay. He immediately worried I might be in love with him, but I assured him my brotherly affection was just that, protective and supportive. Eventually, Mr. Enzo handed over the family business to Alessandro, and I became his business partner and right-hand man.

About five years ago, I saw Alessandro truly smitten for the first time, driven to enlist my help to investigate a young man. It was a challenge, as I'd had to locate two other individuals before him with a similar profile, yet I obtained the needed information. That's how the whole chaos began.

I'd never seen him so invested in someone before, and in a fit of jealousy, he coerced the young man into marriage, not wanting to lose him, I presume. Despite hearing him rant about love making us fools, I knew of his deep sensitivity, a side only I was privy to. After three blissful months of marriage that brought constant joy, a bombshell on a business trip led Alessandro to feel betrayed.

Alessandro: Brother, never fall in love. Love is a deadly snare, it weakens us, makes fools of us, friend – don't ever go there.

That sentiment replayed as he downed bottle after bottle of whiskey. His anguish was palpable – I wanted to lash out at his spouse myself, yet restrained myself from jumping to conclusions. The next day, I sought the truth from the source. However, I was shocked to find my foolhardy friend had taken back his longtime lover, installed her in his home as the lady of the house. He pleaded for a chance to explain, which wasn't granted. I don't know what compelled me to side with him, but as days passed, I saw the boy's suffering increase. The doctor revealed five months of pregnancy, yet their marriage was only three months deep – I grasped the source of his distress, recognizing the forced marriage was all on Alessandro, not the boy.

I attempted to rationalize with him, urging him not to be harsh and to listen to the boy's side, to no avail. All I could do was extricate him from the mansion, which became possible when that foolish woman made the blunder of laying a hand on him. I had taken a liking to the boy, pitied his plight, so I offered my aid and helped him flee to a Rinaldi family mansion in the United States, unoccupied and waiting.

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