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The Despised Son-in-Law Becomes the Ruler

Episode 1

"Master Vin, your mother's illness has worsened, and the malignant tumor assailing her has begun to spread. It would be advisable for you to settle her medical expenses promptly so that the necessary surgery can be undertaken to save her life," said the doctor to Vindra, repeating the urgent message for what seemed like the umpteenth time during their hospital visit for treatment.

In that instant, Vin was struck speechless, especially upon seeing the considerable cost of his mother's surgery. Tears unconsciously wet his cheeks, accompanying the despair of not wanting to lose his mother, yet not knowing where to turn to for the money that was urgently required.

One hundred million is by no means a small sum. Even if Vin were to toil day and night, he could not amass such an amount in the desperately short time frame available.

Vin was but the adopted son of Ningrum and Aryo. However, merely a year ago, Aryo disappeared without a trace, leaving behind a pile of debts that weighed heavily upon the Gultom family.

At the time, Vin, having just completed his education, found himself stepping into his father's shoes as the family's mainstay.

Ever since his adoptive father left, Ningrum's health started to decline. Vin had to make repeated trips to the hospital for her checkups, which invariably concluded with the doctors affirming that she was suffering from a malignant tumor. Due to limited finances, Vin had no choice but to request outpatient care for her.

For his mother's sake, Vin depleted all his savings, and even fell into the trap of numerous online loans to afford her medical treatments.

Because of Aryo's debts, Vin also felt compelled to marry Sifa, the daughter of the Gultom family, as a condition for settling his adoptive father's debts.

As a result of his circumstances, Vin became a scorned son-in-law in the Gultom household, and with his wife who bore no love for him, Vin truly felt like rubbish within the family.

Vin trudged down the hospital corridor, crumpling a piece of paper with the amount due for his mother's surgery clutched in his hand.

"Where can I possibly find the money? I cannot bear the thought of losing my mother," Vin muttered to himself, ruffling his own hair in a state of frustration, before striding away from the hospital.

After hours of anguished thought, Vin finally decided to approach his Uncle Petrik, a relative on his father's side, hoping that they would lend him the money required for his mother's surgery.

No matter what, Vin was determined to ask for help, even if it meant discarding his pride and swallowing his shame, especially given the circulating rumors about Uncle Petrik's infamous stinginess.



Vin knocked on his uncle's door, and it was his aunt, Arum, who answered, folding her arms across her chest in disdain at Vin's arrival.

"You! What brings you here?" snapped Arum brusquely.

"Auntie, I've come to ask for a favor, to borrow some money—" Vin started.

"There's no money here. I know you've come here to borrow, but what could you possibly offer as collateral?" Auntie Arum cut him off before he could finish.

"Auntie, please, just this once. Mother needs to undergo surgery soon, or she could die," Vin pleaded like a beggar for his aunt's assistance, only to have Arum scorn and berate him.

Shortly afterward, Uncle Petrik emerged. "What's going on here?" he asked.

Vin hurriedly approached Petrik and knelt before him, "Uncle, please help mother. She's in critical condition and needs funds for the surgery. I beg you, help her," Vin pleaded, seeking compassion from his uncle, who was his father's own brother.

To his shock, Uncle Petrik suddenly kicked him sprawling backwards. "You're here just to beg for my money. Hmph, I'll never part with a single penny. I don't trust you can repay it. Better that you leave now; this house has no room for beggars like you."

"Uncle, please, mother urgently needs that money. If she doesn't undergo surgery soon, she could pass away. Please, help me just this once," Vin continued to plead, embracing his uncle's legs in desperate hope.

"Bah, she'd be better off dead than being a burden. Even if you borrow the money, how will you repay it? You struggle to feed yourself day-to-day, and yet you have the audacity to borrow for a surgery. Throw him out, Pa. I don't want him stepping foot in this house again," scorned Arum with contempt.

"Security. Get this beggar out, and ensure he doesn't enter again," Arum bellowed for the guards. Vin was forcibly dragged out by two security officers, his pleas falling on deaf ears.

Upon closing the door with a violent slam, Arum left Vin with one last instruction, "Leave now, and never return." The security's dismissal was accompanied by a forceful toss of Vin from the gates.

"Uncle, I just wanted to borrow, not beg. I would have repaid it," Vin said faintly, before he rose and left his uncle's property—a family legacy in which, unfortunately, blood ties bore no weight.

Vin's phone rang incessantly, with debt collectors from various online loans threatening him over past due payments, even warning of dire consequences if he failed to settle. As if on cue, the landlord of his mother's rental space also demanded overdue rent.

At rock bottom and with nowhere left to turn for money, Vin decided to reach out to his wife, hoping against hope that Sifa might be willing to help.

He pressed the call button on Sifa's name on his phone screen.

"Hello, what do you want?" Sifa's voice came through, laced with annoyance.

"Sifa, may I speak to you?"

"Speak. What is it?"

"Sifa, could you lend me money for mother's surgery? I promise to work hard to repay you," Vin implored, dignity forsaken in the dire necessity to ask his wife for funds.

"How can you even take your mother to the hospital when you don't have money yourself? I'm in a meeting; don't disturb me." With that, Sifa concocted an excuse to hang up without offering an answer.

Vin gazed at the now-silent phone displaying a 5% battery reminder. With a weary sigh, he switched it off to avoid further calls; his head ached from the relentless dunning.

Utterly perplexed, Vin decided to seek out Regina at a bar, hoping his former girlfriend might be willing to lend him the money he so desperately needed.

He found Regina cozily seated with Martin, the friend who had backstabbed him by carrying on an affair with his girlfriend.

"Vindra! What brings you here?" Regina asked, visibly taken aback by Vin's presence.

The sight of Regina and Martin together reignited a spark of jealousy in Vin's heart, but he kept it hidden.

"Regina, I'm here to ask for your help. Will you lend me money for my mother's treatment? I'm sure you can spare it. I'll repay you as soon as possible," Vin said, his voice filled with hope.

"What? You want to borrow money from Regina? Have you no shame, Vin, asking an ex-lover for money? No wonder Regina left you for me; you're too poor and have no self-respect," Martin sneered. Vin could only contain his anger, trying to maintain his dignity in the face of such humiliation.

"Money? What guarantee could you give? These days, there's no cash without collateral. Forget it, Vin. I don't have money to lend you. Just leave, we have nothing to do with each other anymore. And here, take back this cheap trinket you once gave me; you could pawn it, though it's probably worth next to nothing." Regina said dismissively, flinging the gem at Vin.

With no loan forthcoming, Vin's hope faltered, and he turned to leave after Regina's harsh dismissal.

"Hold on, Vin! I might be willing to lend you some money, but with one condition," Martin called out, stopping Vin in his tracks.

"Really? What's the condition?" asked Vin, barely containing his impatience, his mind shifting gears at the thought that Martin might still regard him as a friend.

"Kneel before me," Martin demanded with a smug, scheming smile, stunning Vin with such a humiliating request. Yet, desperate, Vin reluctantly sank to his knees.

Martin's friends erupted into laughter, joining in the mockery along with Regina and Martin himself. Taking a cup nearby, Martin filled it with his own urine, laughing mockishly as he squatted in front of the kneeling Vin.

"Drink this, and you'll get the money," Martin commanded, offering the vile cup to Vin. The onlookers laughed harder.

Vin, feeling utterly debased, slapped the cup away with rejection, sending it crashing to the floor.

"Fool, how dare you spill it," Martin spat in Vin's face.

"Beat him, teach him a lesson about who he's messing with," Martin ordered his friends who began to assault Vin.

Punch after punch, kick after kick, the gang overpowered and beat Vin senseless, leaving him battered and bruised on the floor.

By sheer chance, some of Vin's spilled blood trickled onto and seeped into his gifted gemstone. And in that moment, the long-dormant stone burst into activity, transforming and wrapping around Vin's finger to form a ring with a glowing red gem.

On the brink of consciousness, Vin faintly heard a voice, "I am the medical fairy, and you are the chosen descendant." As the voice faded, a deluge of information from his ancestors flooded into his semi-conscious mind.

Episode 2

Vin awoke to find himself lying in a hospital bed, his body covered in bruises and scrapes.

Memories of what had befallen him, and of talking gemstone he once held, came flooding back to him, as well as visions from a recent dream.

The gemstone Vin recalled was simply a stone returned by Regina. Now, it had transformed into a ring encircling Vin's finger.

While examining the ring, Vin fell into a hypnotic state, obeying its command to close his eyes.

With his eyes shut and in a state of meditation, Vin envisioned the ancestral manuscript of fairy healing arts, its entire contents flowing into his mind. The gemstone requested that he adhere to its guidance, to augment his powers.

Gradually, this newfound strength coursed through his veins, easing Vin's battered frame.

Suddenly, upon his left palm materialized seven radiant, white lights, spinning continuously above his hand.

"The seven white lights in your left hand offer two choices, to heal or to destroy. Now decide, and remember the choice is yours," the gemstone intoned.

"Heal," Vin declared, and one of the lights dimmed and vanished, followed by his body miraculously restored, no trace of injury remaining.

Upon opening his eyes, Vin was astonished to find his body whole, pain absent. His recovery filled him with great joy.

"You still have six white lights for either healing someone you choose or wreaking destruction," the gemstone informed him as Vin regained consciousness.

Vin realized he now had the means to heal his mother without seeking the pity of others. He hurried to her side where she lay on a stretcher, her condition pitiable and ignored by passersby. As he held his mother's frail hand, Vin promised, "Mother, hold on. I will heal you so that you no longer suffer," kissing her thin hand. His mother only smiled weakly, prepared for a peaceful end.

Now Ningrum, his mother, could but let Vin do as he had said.

With conviction, Vin placed his hand over the spot on his mother's abdomen where a malignant tumor threatened her life. The gemstone ring emitted a bright light, and the remaining orbs dimmed as Vin commanded healing. Instantly, the five orbs infiltrated Ningrum's body, targeting and annihilating the tumor.

Ningrum's once swollen abdomen gradually shrank back to normal size.

"Vin, my stomach, it's normal again, Vin. This is miraculous, and I feel so much better," exclaimed Ningrum, moving about freely.

"Yes, Mother, I will call a doctor now, to confirm."

"Please, son."

Vin quickly summoned a doctor, who was astonished to find Ningrum's tumor gone. Still, they kept her for observation to ensure her full recovery.

"Thank you for saving me in the nick of time," Vin silently praised, caressing the gemstone.




After two days of advanced care, Ningrum felt completely recovered and wanted to go home immediately. She insisted that Vin take her home from the hospital.

"Vin let's go home, I can't stand being treated here anymore. I am well and can cook for you again," pleaded Ningrum.

"Okay, Mom, we will leave this hospital. Vin also knows that you are now fine." Vin immediately went to consult with the doctor about his mother's discharge and the doctor agreed after confirmed that Ningrum was completely healed.

Vin immediately paid the hospital administration costs for his mother's treatment. He discovered that he had a lot of money in his savings account, Vin checked his bank statement and found that Sifa had sent him the money he needed.

Vin's heart was deeply touched by Sifa's kindness. He knew that Sifa still cared about him despite being indifferent and seemingly uncaring.

"Thank you, Sifa, you still care about me. I promise I will repay the money you lent me," said Vin alone.

After finishing the hospital matters, Vin immediately took Ningrum away from the hospital with a feeling of tremendous relief, so that he didn't have to sacrifice his dignity in front of Martin.

Vin then took his mother away using public transportation across the street. Suddenly, as they were about to cross, Martin's car nearly hit Vin and his mother.

Martin immediately stopped his car when he realized he had almost hit someone. Likewise, several of his friends' cars also stopped.

"Hey... don't you have eyes, crossing the road recklessly," yelled Martin annoyedly from the car window.

"Isn't that Vin with his mother?" Regina commented when she saw that the man helping his mother was Vin.

"Turns out you're right, he is indeed that jerk Vindra," said Martin filled with rage, then got out of the car, approached Vin and suddenly punched him in the face, causing Ningrum to scream seeing her son being abused.

"What is going on, why are you hitting me, I should be the one doing that, you almost hit us?" asked Vin as he struggled to get up.

"Can't you see, Martin's car got scratched because it avoided you. Kneel down and apologize to Martin now, or you have to pay for the damages," Regina cornered Vin.

Before Vin could respond, Ningrum was already kneeling, apologizing to Martin, and pleading with him to let Vin go.

"Please don't hurt my son, I will pay for the damage, but please, don't hurt Vin," Ningrum begged.

"Mom, what are you doing? He's the one who is wrong, he should be the one apologizing," Vin interjected. Suddenly, Martin slapped Ningrum twice causing her to fall back.

Episode 3

Witnessing his mother being abused before his eyes, Vin couldn't stand it and quickly approached Martin, reaching for his neck and gripping it tightly.

"If you hit me, I still refrain from retaliation. But now you've dared to touch my mother, I won't tolerate that. Apologize immediately or I'll break your arm," threatened Vin, tightening his grasp.

"Let go of me, what do you think you're doing? Don't expect me to apologize to that old woman," Martin struggled as Vin, who seemed possessed, showed no mercy.

With all his might, Vin threw Martin towards a parked car, shattering its window and injuring Martin's head. But that was not all; Vin continued to strike Martin powerfully to avenge his mother's treatment.

"Stop it, Vin," Regina cried out, but her pleas were ignored no matter how fervently she defended Martin. Vin was deaf to her attempts.

Martin's friends, witnessing the scene, couldn't stand by and launched an attack on Vin, who easily deflected their offensive and knocked them all down.

"Stop it now, Vin," Regina yelled again, but Vin remained indifferent. He beat Martin until he was battered and then dragged him to kneel at his mother's feet, yanking his hair.

"I've asked you to apologize to my mother, but you arrogantly refused. Now slap yourself hard ten times and say sorry to her, or I'll wipe you out right here," Vin threatened, his teeth clenched in rage.

Submissively, Martin bowed his head and followed Vin's order, slapping his own face.

"Slap harder," Vin commanded, and at once, Martin struck his face with even greater force.

Vin could see with the help of the gemstone he possessed that Martin's internal injuries were severe, but he was not yet satisfied until he made Martin experience excruciating pain.

"Arrrgghhh," Martin screamed before collapsing.

"Take this scumbag away now or I'll obliterate him," Vin ordered, causing Regina and Martin's son to fearfully comply.

"Are you alright, Vin?" Ningrum asked with concern as she approached her son.

"I'm fine, Mom. Forgive me for not stopping Martin from slapping you. Now both your cheeks are bruised. Let's go, Mom, I've found us a new rental place, then we can treat your face."

They quickly left for the house Vin had rented the night before, which, though modest, was still comfortable to live in.

"I'm sorry, Mom, I could only afford this small house, but I hope you don't mind. I promise to find a better place as soon as I have the money," said Vin.

"It's okay, my child. However simple the house may be, as long as we have a roof over our heads, that is enough," Ningrum replied, aware of the struggles her adoptive son had endured for her. If only she hadn't found him back then, she might not have experienced the love of a child for his mother.


Five days had passed as Vin cared for his mother, and now Ningrum was back to her routine without complaints, filling Vin's heart with joy.

Finally, after almost a week of having his phone switched off, Vin turned it back on to reach out to Sifa, to thank and apologize to her for the disappointment he had caused.

Sifa answered Vin's call immediately.

"Where have you been? You've been unreachable. Did you intend to run off with the money I lent you? If I'd known, I wouldn't have felt sorry for you," Sifa snapped on the other end of the line.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to avoid you, just—"

"Give me your location now; I want to see you immediately for an explanation," Sifa interjected.

"Alright," Vin quickly shared his location with her.

Half an hour later, Sifa arrived at Vin's rented home, looking disdainfully at its simplicity.

Vin greeted Sifa and invited her in to meet his mother. Once inside, Sifa looked around critically.

"You've found such a modest home for your mother-in-law? Are you really that poor that you can't afford a more comfortable place? It's for your mother too," Sifa commented, but Vin remained unbothered, accustomed to her indifference.

"Here, I've brought you and your mother some supplements. I thought you might need these to work hard and pay me back as soon as possible," Sifa said, handing over a few supplement tablets.

"Thank you, Sifa," Vin replied, accepting the supplements.

"Hurry up, I've come to take you with me," Sifa commanded, and Vin understood.

"Thank you, Sifa, for all your help. My mother and I owe you so much," Ningrum said, but Sifa didn't respond.

Shortly after, Vin was ready, and Sifa led him away. But just a few steps outside, the gem revealed that his wife had been drugged before coming to him.

"Sifa, I should drive; it seems you're under the influence of sedatives," Vin tried to explain, but Sifa was unconvinced.

"I don't believe you. And you should know, I'm filing for divorce next month. I can't live with someone as weak as you," she retorted.

Vin fell silent for a moment, recalling the events of a year ago when he had been forced by Gultom to marry his daughter Sifa to settle his father's debts. Even after Sifa recovered from her illness, the Gultom family gradually sidelined him, treating him like a servant in his in-laws' house and constantly humiliating him, but Vin endured for Sifa's sake.

If it weren't for Sifa being the little girl who had once given him a bowl of rice when he was starving eighteen years ago, Vin might have left her long ago. Vin owed Sifa for her kindness and strived to remain by her side.

As Sifa, who didn't trust Vin's words, decided to drive herself, the sedative effect started to hit her, and she nearly lost control of the vehicle. Vin quickly took the wheel, but tragically, a dump truck lost control and collided with six cars ahead.

Screeching brakes and crashing sounds shocked Vin and Sifa into silence.

To Be Continued ☺️☺️☺️

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