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Pregnant By A Cruel Alpha

Episode 1

Society is divided into three categories: Alphas, Omegas, and Betas. Each of these types is separated in an organized and logical manner, much like in an empire where the stronger dominate the weaker.

The Alphas are at the top of this sociological pyramid, mainly composed of millionaires or individuals who excel in some aspect of life. If you are born an Alpha, you are born a champion.

Alphas are responsible for maintaining order and can be mostly men, although there are also women. What characterizes this gender is their high dominance and pheromones, which are responsible for their leadership and procreation.

All Alphas are fertile and can impregnate any woman, regardless of her gender or if they are Omega men. Another characteristic of Alphas is their heat, which, although less common, is considered very dangerous and highly fertile.

During sexual intercourse, to ensure that their partner will become pregnant, their member swells and forms a so-called "knot" with their partner. This causes extreme pain to both parties but it is a way for them to be physically linked until it is certain that a pregnancy has occurred, which is determined by the Alpha's body.

Omegas, on the other hand, are a minority, especially Omega men. This gender is primarily associated with pregnancy.

Omegas can become pregnant during or outside of heat, with the highest probability during their heat. Regardless of whether they are men or women, they possess a uterus.

EVERY Omega has a uterus. During their fertile period (heat), they desperately search for an Alpha because only they can fulfill their incessant desire to be claimed by someone. The Omega's heat can begin between the ages of fourteen and twenty-five, on average.

Betas make up the majority of humanity and are known as "normal" humans. They are below both Omegas and Alphas in this pyramid. They do not experience heat, men do not have a uterus, and there is no bond or knotting between them.

When an Omega and an Alpha come together physically or mentally (or both), they can choose to form a bond between them. This is done when the Alpha marks their beloved with a strong bite on the neck during sexual intercourse. This bite is eternal and cannot be undone. Even without consent, Alphas can accidentally mark Omegas during a lapse of control on either of their parts or during the heat period when their bodies are fully engulfed in pheromones and no one can resist without their suppressors.

Suppressors are medications that Omegas and Alphas take every month to prevent heat, thus preventing the chances of uncontrolled pregnancies.

"The duty of an Omega's existence is to belong to an Alpha, while the duty of an Alpha's existence is to have an Omega for themselves."

S.E... "Entertainment Services," also known as the prestigious company among various adult film recording companies. Its founder is a powerful and altruistic man who is charismatic and charming at the same time.

G.O.K.I... "Ornamental Group of Keiki Isugawa," a new company specializing in the same field that is rapidly rising in ranks. Its late founder handed over the company to her husband and son, who inherited it when he turned twenty-one.

The obstacle that these two companies currently face is the popularity ranking, where viewers flock to the number one company, which was currently S.E. However, ever since Keiki's oldest son inherited the company, G.O.K.I's popularity has grown alarmingly, causing the CEO of its rival, S.E., to fall below his previous position. Now, S.E. is the second-ranked adult entertainment company while G.O.K.I reigns in the first place.

While all this information was being analyzed, the CEO of the company discussed it with the new employees, the recently hired ones, from actors to screenwriters, with the majority of the team being alphas. There were only a few Omegas, and one of them was a 19-year-old boy.

Jasper, that was his name. He was a recessive Omega who had just finished high school. He had fair, slightly pinkish skin, full and red lips, greenish-orange eyes, and silky, shiny black hair. His body was slim, but he had perfect curves for an Omega, and his buttocks and thighs were shapely, sensual, and elegant at the same time. He wasn't overly detailed, but everything seemed to be just right. Perfect, just as an Omega should be.

He had been recently hired purely based on recommendation because he had a hobby of taking photos and participating in contests. Since SE Company had liked his work very much, they hired him to take promotional photos, but there was just one problem.


He was at his desk in the editing department, working on some promotional photos for the company's magazine when he was called by one of his superiors. The young man quickly got up and politely responded.

"Yes, sir, do you need something?"

"In the boss's office, now."

"U-uh, yes!" "Did I do something wrong...?"

After saying that, the man simply left, leaving Jasper anxious about the reason for being called.

"I was hired less than a week ago, am I already going to be fired...? What did I do wrong...? No... Calm down... It's nothing serious... He just wants to talk a bit, there's nothing to worry about..."

Jasper then took a deep breath and gathered all the courage he had before heading towards his boss's office. After knocking on the door, he was instructed to enter.

"Sir...? You wanted to speak to me...?"

"Yes, you're Jasper, right?"


"Alright... Let's see here." He picked up some paperwork and began to review it while questioning the young man. "You're nineteen years old?"

"Yes, I finished high school last year."

"Hm... you don't seem that young... Are you an Omega?"

"Yes, sir, I'm a recessive Omega."

"... Do you take suppressants?"

"No, but I went to the doctor, and he said I still didn't need them."

"... I think it's better if you buy your suppressant."

"Why? Is it better?... Are my pheromones strong?..."

The boss continued asking questions and finally got to the point. He placed a photo of a young man on the table.

"Well, I'll be straightforward with you, do you see this man?"


"He is the new heir of our rival, GOKI, his name is Reis. He's a young, dominant Alpha..."

"He's very handsome... Surely he must be desired, and he's wealthy too..."

"What I want is simple... I need you to seduce him."

"...?... How...?"

"I know it's not the type of work you came here to do. But they are surpassing us in the rankings, all because Reis took over the company. I just want you to go out with him and seduce him."

"Why is he asking me to do something like this...? To seduce this guy... It's not that I don't find him attractive or anything, but... doing this feels a bit much for me... Especially because I've never done this before..." Jasper was uncomfortable with the situation, but he was afraid to say no and risk losing his job.

"Sir, I apologize for asking, but why do you want me to do this? I don't feel comfortable doing something like this..."

"You don't have to sleep with him, I just want you to convince him to drink with you, get close to him, make him fall in love with you. This way, in one way or another, he'll end up telling you what he does that we don't, or he'll be so focused on you that his company will become disorganized. If you can get close to him, I'll give you a two thousand increase."

"It doesn't seem so bad when you put it that way... Just make him like me to the point where he doesn't take good care of the company... It seems kind of cruel... But I think I can do it... I need the job too..." Jasper thought carefully and sighed, raising his gaze to his boss.

"How do I start?"

"That's my boy! Here's what you're going to do, he usually visits a pleasure house nearby, if you catch my drift. He goes there almost every week, so I'll tell the employees that he's meeting someone there, and they'll put you in the same room as Reis! The rest is up to you."

"But does it have to be in a place like that...?"

"I already told you not to worry about the place, it's just easier to find Reis there."

"Alright... You can count on me, sir. I won't disappoint..."

"Hehe, that's what I wanted to hear!"


The boss had everything prepared, and the following week, he gave me the address and the names I had to look for. Around midnight, I arrived at the designated address and approached one of the employees.

"Excuse me, the SE boss sent me."

"Ah, yes, this way, sir. I didn't know they would send such a beautiful omega."

The employee led me to a room and gave me a change of clothes, telling me to put them on. "I don't remember this being part of the plan... But I don't have time to argue about the details now." I changed and went into the room to wait for Reis to arrive. The outfit was a tight dress with a large slit at the back, it reached my buttocks, and had a large neckline in front, not to mention that it was a backless model, so I was practically showing everything.

In the room, there was a large and comfortable sofa that covered three sides of the room, a coffee table, and displayed condoms, lubricants, and dildos. I sat on the sofa and stayed there, withdrawn.

"This bothers me a little... Why do I have to wear this? ...! Could it be?!-" When I stood up to leave, the door to the small room opened, and two men entered. Right at that moment, my eyes met with one of them. He was handsome, tall, and had a really nice scent. "Ah... He's the guy from the picture... Reis..."

The other man came up to me, wrapped his arm around my neck, and groped my buttocks with his other hand.

"...! Hey! What are you-"

"Calm down, Reis. Did you know about this? Now they're bringing omegas here, this one is really beautiful. We finally get to have some real fun."

Reis seemed serious already, he couldn't take his eyes off of me.

"Hey, don't you think it's risky for an omega to be here?" I couldn't say anything, as if something was choking me.

"Who cares, Reis. Isn't he handsome?"

"Yes, he's very beautiful."

Suddenly, my heart started to race in a strange way, my body started to feel hot, and I was having trouble catching my breath. Down there, I was aroused and hard... My body gave way, and I fell to the floor.

"This scent...!"

"Hey, you... You're in heat."

"I can't respond, I feel my body heavy...! This is strange...! What is this?..."

'Alpha... I want an Alpha... inside me...!'

"What is this...?!..." I started to feel something strange down there. "I'm wet." I could hear them talking, but I couldn't understand. Suddenly, I heard the sound of a door slamming. I looked up, and it was just Reis and me in the room, but that sensation didn't stop.

"... Haah... You... Ngn...! What is happening...? Ah..."

"You're in heat."

"What...? Ngn...! My body hurts..."

"Where's your suppressant?"

"Ngn...! Haah...! I... don't have one..."

"...? You don't have one? Is this your first heat?"

"It's painful!" My uterus started to hurt, and I could smell Reis's scent getting stronger around me. He knelt down in front of me.

"What do you want me to do?"

"...? What do you mean...?"

"If you tell me to leave and call a doctor, I will. But if you say you want me to stay and help you, I will. You seem conscious enough for that."

"What should I do...?! I don't want to feel this anymore! It's horrible! It hurts! And I can barely breathe! I can't take it anymore...!" I placed my hand on top of his and brought my face close to his, and I kissed him.

"... Don't go... Make it stop...! Haah... Please..."

"... As you wish."

I thought I was aware, but at that moment it was my heat speaking, making me delirious and delirious thinking: "I need an alpha!". But I... I didn't have a choice.

Episode 2


"Am I... in heat?!" My first heat that morning had started because I saw him, that man I would have to 'seduce,' because I saw Reis, a dominant alpha, and my body started calling for an alpha. Reis took his friend out of the room and closed the door. He approached me and knelt down in front of me, looking at me as he asked:

"What do you want me to do about it? If you tell me to leave, get a doctor, I will, but if you tell me you want me to stay and help you, I will stay. You seem conscious enough for that."

"What should I do...?! I don't want to feel this anymore! It's horrible! It hurts! I can barely breathe! I can't take it anymore...!" I placed my hand on top of his and brought my face close to his, kissing him.

"Don't go... Make it stop...! Haah..."

"Alright. Whatever you want."

I thought I was conscious, but at that moment, it was my heat making me delirious and delusional, thinking, "I need an alpha!" But I... I didn't have a choice. My body was acting on its own, and the words barely passed through my mind before escaping my mouth. Deep down, it was frightening me...

Reis laid me down on the couch and lifted my legs, supporting my pelvis on his, while rubbing his member against my ass. He was very hard. "I want him inside...!" I lifted my body and embraced him, wrapping my legs around his torso.

"Make it quick...! Deep inside... Just thinking about how it must feel with you inside me makes me burn from the inside...!"

"I feel dizzy... His scent is mixing with his pheromones..."


"Your heat is intense, especially for your first time... usually an omega's first heat is milder, but you... I can already tell, you're soaked both in the front and the back. Heh... Should I take advantage a little? Your pheromones are driving me crazy...!"

"Look at me." I grabbed his hair and pulled him back to the couch, breaking the embrace.

"Ngn... Please..."

He's very attractive too... His face and down there are so hot, how can someone be so hot? I had slept with other omegas in heat before, but that guy was really pushing my limits.


He lifted the skirt of my dress, pushing it to the side, and with both hands, he tore the top part, exposing my nipples, which looked strange and slightly swollen, even though no one had touched them.

"Your body truly submits in the presence of an alpha. Looks like I won't need to put in much effort tonight."

Reis put his fingers in my mouth and told me to suck on them, so I did. His pheromones were everywhere, the smell was so strong that it tasted like his body, like wine, it was good.

"Ngn... Haah...!"

Then he took his fingers out of my mouth and slid them down my body, trailing down from my belly, until he reached my underwear and removed it, leaving it loosely hanging on my leg. I had already climaxed just by sucking his fingers.

"...? Look at the mess you've made here... And we haven't even started."

I lifted my legs higher, exposing my ass more to him, with the lower part of my back resting against his stomach.

"Please...! I just need you... Give it to me inside... You can climax if you want."

"...? Haah... You seemed so timid. Who would have thought you were this dirty in bed."

He grabbed me firmly and turned me on all fours, "I want him...!" My mind was torturing me with those vulgar thoughts. My body was trembling and wet, even though he had barely touched me. Suddenly, I felt something press against my ass, and his warm breath reached my ears, sending shivers down my spine with that simple but highly arousing phrase.

"Relax... I'll give it to you." He began thrusting, but even though I was wet and dilated, he was still too big.

"Ngn! Ah...!"


"Ngn... It hurts...!"

He lifted my body, leaning me back against his chest so that my ass was raised higher, and he embraced me like that, kissing my neck.

"Breathe, I'm going to put it all in at once."

"Ng… Please do..."

Reis grabbed my waist and slammed it against his own, causing his member to enter forcefully and completely, as if it hit the entrance of my uterus and pressed against my prostate. My body arched and began to tremble. At that moment, a strange sensation overwhelmed me, one that I couldn't even describe, but I felt completely filled and whole.

"A-ah...! Reis..."

"Ng... How did you know my name?"

"That...! Move, please... Ng!"

"... You're not in a state to answer that right now, I'll ask you later. For now, I'm going to f*ck you so hard that you'll beg me to impregnate you."

He started thrusting forcefully, moving back and forth. My legs were weak in that position, as I was on my knees on the couch while he stood and penetrated me.

"Ng...! So big... Haah...! Ah!"

"You said I could come inside, right? Ng..."

"Ah! Yes...! Ng...!"

"Alright... How do you want me to do it?"

"... Haah..."


He held my face, raised my ass even higher, and looked deeply into my eyes.

"Do it... Until I get pregnant... Haah... Ng..."

"What's wrong with this omega...? He seemed like the others, but... He's driving me crazy in a way that feels like my first time... His pheromones are making me lose control, I'm totally consumed by him... This has never happened before... I want... to make him mine..."

"Ahhnn! Reis...!"

"... As you wish... I'll come inside and impregnate you... my omega..."

Jasper could no longer support his body, which had been taken over by the alpha CEO, Reis. It was around three in the morning and Jasper's heat had not subsided. When Reis stopped moving, Jasper's body acted on its own, bringing both of them extreme and unrelenting pleasure, which they both hoped would never stop.

"Haah... Reis... Nhaah..."

"Haah, your voice doesn't even obey you anymore... Haah... Are you tired...?"

"I am... But... I still feel like I need more of you... Haah..."

Reis lifted him up and laid him on the couch, positioning himself on top of him, causing his back to arch and his ass to raise even higher. Every thrust brought a wave of pleasure, with each one more intense than the last.


"Haah... He's gone mad...! His heat has completely consumed him... Haah... How many times have I come inside...? It's so wet down here that if I stay still, I'll slide back inside him... He makes everything feel more intense... His face is so arousing with that expression!" That boy held on to me tightly and asked for more. But he had already climaxed so much that he wouldn't be able to again, even though his member was still hard.

"Move, raise your arms." He complied and I took off his dress, thrusting harder.


"That's better, I can see your body..." I leaned down and kissed him. He didn't even know what to do with his mouth. "You don't even know how to kiss..."

"You... Haah... You're my first..."

"? How...?"

"You... You're the first alpha I've slept with... It feels so good, I feel like I'm going to die..."

"...? Your... First...?"

Suddenly, his eyes grew heavy, his pheromones subsided, and he began to fall asleep. "This really was his first heat, but he's a virgin...?... Haah... It doesn't matter... At least it was fun... But I have a feeling this time won't be like the others... I wonder what his attitude will be when he wakes up..."

I lay beside him and kept looking at his face. "He's really handsome... If we were to have a child, how beautiful would they be...-! What?! I let my pheromones take over... Just like when we were doing it... Haah... I shouldn't have come inside... But now I can't go back." I sat up again and grabbed my phone, calling my bodyguard.


"Yes, sir. Do you need something?"

"Sorry to call, you must have been sleeping."

"Okay, you can tell me."

"I need you to pick me up at that place I always come to."

"Alright, did you drink too much?"

"I don't think enough."

"What do you mean?"

"How long do you think it will take you to get here?"

"I believe about 15 minutes."


"I'm going to have to keep an eye on you from now on... Omega."

Episode 3

When Jasper woke up, his body was sore, feeling as if it had been torn apart from the inside; with the sunlight shining on his face, but his body cold, that was how he sat up in bed, in a large and fancy room, which he had never entered before. Confused, he remained on the bed, starting to look around, but he couldn't remember anything that had happened the previous night.

"...Ngn... What happened...? My body is sore..."

"Ngn... I feel nauseous..." Suddenly, he smelled a strong scent of pheromones and the door of the room opened. There were two alphas and a beta. The two alphas seemed like bodyguards and were accompanying the beta, who was wearing medical clothes. The alphas stood at the door and the beta entered, getting closer to Jasper.

"Good morning, Mr. Queen, isn't it?"

"...?! Who are you...?"

"Who are they...? Where am I...?! What does he want to do?!" He was frightened, so he moved on the bed trying to get out of it, but his legs were numb, and that was when he realized he was not wearing any clothes, only covered with the duvet. Surprised, he pulled the duvet towards himself, covering his body even more.

"...! But where are my clothes?!..."

"Calm down, you must be confused, but I need to take some of your blood."

"?! How...? No...! Who are you?!"

"I am Mr. Reis's private doctor, you know him, right?"

"... Reis...? ...Do those alphas work for him too?..."

"Yes. They are just accompanying me."

"... Where am I?..."

"In Mr. Reis's room, he is at the company now, so he asked us"

Jasper couldn't hear anything else, he was so desperate to remember what had happened that he already expected the worst of it all "Wait... Why am I with his servants...? I'm naked in his room... Yesterday... We...?" And amidst all that tension and heavy silence, the door of the room opened again and everyone turned to it, Reis was entering.

"Have you done what you had to do, doctor?"

"Oh, sir, not yet, he didn't let me."

Reis walked to the doctor's side, near the bed, looking at Jasper, scanning him from head to toe, making him feel uncomfortable, then he asked him:

"Why don't you let him do his job?"

"... What am I doing here?"

"I took you out of that brothel, thought you wouldn't want to wake up there, especially in the state you were."

"... State...? What do you mean...?"

"Let him do what he needs to do."

"... You can't be serious... I don't even know you and you suddenly come here telling me random things and what I have to do... Who do you think you are?"

"I think I'm the same guy you know I am."

"?! What...?"

He took two pills that were with the doctor and told him to leave the room. Throwing the pills on the bed, Reis continued speaking to Jasper, now already stressed:

"You really don't remember anything?"

"... About yesterday, no..."

"You went into heat and I had sex with you."

"... You did what...?"

"These pills I threw there are your suppressors, you should take them before going out in the street like that, what if you went into heat in the middle of the street? You would definitely be raped, considering how strong your pheromones are."


"How...? I went into heat...?... And this guy really thinks he did something to help me....?....! Did he mark me?!" I started touching my neck and felt nothing, "Phew... I guess not..."

"What's wrong?"

"You... Why are you trying to act like a good Samaritan now...? Bringing me to your house and giving me medication..."

"? What's wrong with that? I'm just trying to help you."

"Help....? After raping me...?"

"Me? Rape you? When?"

"?! What do you mean when?! You just said it! 'You went into heat and I had sex with you'! I wasn't conscious! And you still say you're trying to help me?!"

"Why are you shouting? I'm not deaf, there's no need to make a scene."He took the pills that were on the bed and placed them in front of me"Just take these already, your pheromones are killing me."

In that moment, I was filled with an indescribable anger, a strong disgust. I had only tried to earn some extra money, and this guy had done that to me. In my fury, I slapped his hand, causing the pills to fall back onto the bed. I started to cry.

"I don't want anything that comes from trash like you!"

"... Now I've lost my patience."

He slapped me across the face, so hard that my ear began to ring and my vision blurred. Then, Reis came at me on the bed and gripped my face tightly, forcing me to open my mouth, and spat inside.


"Listen here, omega. You're starting to annoy me...! You could have said all the shit you wanted, but don't you dare touch me like that!"

"Argh!" He began to squeeze my neck, and I was losing my breath. Then I saw his hand rise, and he shoved both pills into my mouth, loosening his grip on my neck.

"Swallow it. If not, I'll really rape you now...!"

I was really scared, I gathered saliva in my mouth and managed to swallow the pill. "He...! He's crazy...! My first time was wasted with someone like this...?! I'm scared... My body... Feels strange..." Reis inserted his fingers into my mouth, moving them around, exploring my tongue and the roof of my mouth.

"I'm glad you swallowed it, unless you want to do it with me again. Which seems to be happening here."

Lifting the covers, he ordered his bodyguards to leave the room, Reis released my face and grabbed my member, masturbating me, and began sucking my neck.

"Ah...! Stop...! Take your hands off me...! Ngh..."

"You got aroused from being choked, huh? Pervert."

"No...! Your pheromones... They're strong... Ahn...!"

"I see."

He raised his body and raised my legs. Before I knew it, Reis had taken out his member and had a condom, which he was holding in his mouth.

"You're still in heat, you know? Your pheromones are sweet."

"Argh...! Mnn... Wait..."

He rubbed against me, causing me to become wet down there. I wanted him inside me. "I feel like I'm getting hot again... like the sensation before, when I first met him."

"Relax, or else it'll be painful."

To be continued...

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