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The Alpha And The One Rejected By Him

Episode 1


In the northern pack, one of the largest in the world and led by a cold and calculating alpha wolf who didn't like to mix with the weaker wolves and so it was very difficult for anyone to get close to him.


Derik - Come on, Jorge! The meeting is about to start. I give him a fierce look and quickly see him lower his head and respond without looking into my eyes.

Jorge - Alright, Alpha. I was just organizing the paperwork.

Jorge is Derik's Beta and best friend, and also the only friend he has.

The meeting will be to decide soon about the alpha's mating, as he is already 23 years old, and in the pack, it is very important for the alpha to find his mate. Derik has studied a lot about the women in the pack, and none of them please him. The ones he has any contact with are just for pleasure, and he would never see them as a potential mate. He believed that all women were shallow and only after his position and wealth.

Sara Lins

Sara is 16 years old and her mother, Luana, will present her at the alpha's party. Other young girls will also be presented by their families at the party, which will take place in 2 days. Sara is not happy about it. She was raised by her mother and her older brother, Lucas.

And she had such a beautiful brother, a Greek god with his black hair and dark, bronzed skin and honey-colored eyes. In contrast, Sara was very fair with blond hair and green eyes, a different kind of beauty from the women of the pack.

Sara's mother - Daughter, stop making that face like you're not enjoying yourself. You are going to this party, okay?

Sara - Mom, please, I don't want to go. I make a sad face and ask her - Can I go out with Tais today?

Mother - I already told you, Sara, I don't like that girl. She is a bad influence.

Oh no, my mom is angry, imagine if she finds out where I'm going.

Sara - Mom, she is my friend, I don't know why you're like this, seriously, you always have a problem with her.

Mother - Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you. I'll be going out, and don't leave the house without cleaning up and letting me know.

Sara - Okay, mom... but can I go out?

Mother - It's fine, just don't come back too late and be very careful, my daughter.

Sara's mother leaves her to her thoughts.

Narrating as Sara:

I don't know why my mom insists on saying those things about my best friend, and really, my only friend. The other girls hate me because I'm a little different from them - they have dark hair and a tan. Those witches torment me, saying that my mom must have cheated on my dad for me to turn out like this. I've told them many times that it's because I take after my great-great-grandmother on my mom's side, but they just laugh in my face.

Today, Tais invited me to go to the city. It's my first time, and I'm really excited to see everything there. My brother always says there's everything there, including lots of people. And that's something I don't feel comfortable with - being around so many people. It's like they look at me as if I don't belong here.

Tais - Come on, Sara, I've been waiting outside for ages. Hurry up!

Sara - Wait, I just need to call my mom, she's taking so long. I don't know why she's shouting, what's the rush?

Sara calls her mother.

Sara - Mom, I'm leaving, okay?

Mother - Sara, you won't be long, right? And be careful.

Sara - Okay, mom, bye. Sara hangs up her phone and goes out to meet Tais.

Tais - Let's go, girl, hurry up!

Sara's thoughts: Wow, Tais is in such a hurry.

Sara - Hi, Tais, sorry for taking so long. I was cleaning the house before leaving, that's why it took me a while. Shall we go?

Tais looks Sara up and down, with a disapproving look, and says - You're going like that, dressed like a boy? I've told you, Sara, you need to dress like a girl. No boy will look at you like that!

Sara's thoughts:

I've always liked dressing in sweatshirts, I don't know why Tais is making a big deal out of it today. I'll just go to her car.

Sara - Let's go then, and I like dressing like this.

Tais - Fine, let's go.

Narrating as Sara:

We went in Tais' car. Her family is very important in the pack, I think her brother is the Alpha's beta. I don't really like Jorge; he looks at me strangely, and I'm a little scared of him. But her mom and dad are nice. Well, I've only been there once, when Tais insisted I go to her house to work on a school project.

Looking out the car window, I can already see that we're getting close. Wow, it's such a beautiful place, full of shops, each more beautiful than the other.

Sara - Wow, Tais, it's so big here.

Tais - Yes, you'll love it. Okay, we're here, let's meet the boys there.

Sara - What? Boys? I thought it would be just us.

Tais - Relax, it's just Rodolfo and Caio.

Sara's thoughts:

What does she mean by inviting Caio and that annoying Rodolfo? I've never liked him, this won't end well.

Tais parks the car and pulls me towards where the boys are.

Tais - Hi, Caio, hi, Rodolfo.

Rodolfo - Hi, Tais.

Rodolfo looks at me with a sneering smile and says - Hi, little wolf, cat got your tongue?

Sara's thoughts:

I'm so angry at him for talking to me like that. I don't feel comfortable around him, I have a bad feeling, as if something is going to happen. Maybe it's just all in my head.

Sara - Hi.

Caio - Hi, girls, the club is about to open, let's go. Hurry up.

Sara narrating:

Caio takes Tais' hand and enters the nightclub. Rodolfo tries to take my hand, but I quickly pull away and go after Tais to accompany her, leaving him with a puppy face.

Rodolfo's thoughts:

This little wolf is still going to be mine, and he smiles.

Sara: What a strange place we're going to, Tais. I don't want to stay here.

Tais: Stop being silly, girl, and let's enjoy today and have fun. You'll love it. I'll go get some drinks with Caio, don't leave.

Sara's thoughts:

I can't believe I came to this place. My brother had already told me about places like this, where there are only fights and drunk people. If he knew that I'm here, he would kill me. And Rodolfo won't stop staring at me. I guess he's not liking what he sees. Thankfully, I came in these unattractive clothes, so no one will notice me.

Rodolfo gets closer and tries to take my hand.

Rodolfo: Come on, little wolf, let's dance.

Sara: No, thanks.

Sara narrating:

If he thinks I'm going to become his friend, he's very mistaken. He immediately approached me to dance, and I pushed him away. Soon, Tais comes back with the drinks.

Tais: Let's dance, Sara. Come and get your drink.

Sara narrating:

Tais hands me a drink I've never seen before, and it has a strong smell that I don't like. Should I drink it? Well, I'll just have a little.

Narrating by Derik:

The meeting was very good. We sorted everything out, and since we didn't have anything else to do, Jorge asked me to go to the nightclub with him. Well, I always go there to have fun with girls and distract myself. We're almost there, and it's going to be good because lately I'm angry with everything and everyone around me. I don't like anyone telling me what to do, and this pressure to mate is stressing me out.

Jorge: Derik, let's go in? It looks crowded today.

Derik: Let's go. I give him a smirk because tonight is going to be a good night.

Sara narrating:

I don't know what's in this drink, but I'm laughing at everything, and I'm already on my 5th glass, LOL. I just don't like that Rodolfo won't stop staring at me. Then, Rodolfo approaches.

Rodolfo: Come on, Sara, let's dance cheek to cheek.

Sara narrating:

Rodolfo came close and pulled me close to his body, grabbing me. Fear ran through my whole body. I'm trying to distance myself, but he's stronger and pulls me even closer to him. Then, he kisses my neck, and I start screaming.

Rodolfo: Calm down, little wolf. I'm just going to teach you how to be a woman. Even with your style, you're still beautiful, my love.

He makes a dirty face and looks at me up and down, imagining me naked, with a mocking smile.

Sara: Let me go, you disgusting creep! I scream for help... help!

Rodolfo takes advantage of the opportunity, as I'm a bit tipsy, and pulls me to a dark corner where another couple is making out.

Sara narrating:

He pulls me forcefully to the corner and starts touching my body. Every touch he gives me feels like knives in my heart. Tears stream down my cheeks. I'm screaming, but no one can hear me because the music is too loud, and everyone is already drunk. I no longer have the strength to push him away. Rodolfo has his hand on my waist, even though I'm wearing these clothes. It's useless. He's advancing towards my intimate parts. I close my legs to prevent him, but it's in vain. He's strong and reaches into my sweatpants, invading my intimacy, making me feel the worst sensation in the world.

Episode 2

Narrated by Derik:

Today at Linquis Nightclub

It's crowded, I had never seen this before, soon everyone looks at me surprised because I'm there. I look at them with an authoritative expression, showing that I'm in charge, and soon everyone lowers their gaze as I pass by without even caring about the women throwing themselves at my feet.

I catch myself looking in the corner, even though it's dark, it caught my attention. Anger consumes me, I can't control what I see - a beautiful girl in the arms of a disgusting guy, holding onto her and kissing her. How I hate it. Why don't these girls value themselves and come to places like this? I go blind and go towards them, pulling her away from that damn wolf and punching him in the face.

Rodolfo - calm down, sir, it's not what you're thinking. He quickly bends down with his head lowered, fearful. Rodolfo's thought: who is this man and why is he defending her?

Jorge, Tais, and Caio then step forward in front of Rodolfo.

Jorge holds onto Sara, who is practically drunk and can't stand up properly, and he looks at Tais with an angry expression.

Tais - calm down, I think it was a misunderstanding. She steps in front of Rodolfo and says, lying shamelessly, "He's her boyfriend."

Narrated by Derik:

I run my hand through my hair and can't believe it - this guy is her boyfriend. I don't know why, but that word makes my heart ache. I don't know what came over me when I saw him touching her. My wolf screams inside me, wanting to come out and finish this guy, but I can't because he's her boyfriend. I'm such an idiot, feeling anger and hatred. I decide to leave as quickly as possible, leaving it to my Beta to handle. I see a red-haired woman looking at me, I take her and we leave the club.

Jorge - I apologize, lately he's been very stressed, he must have misunderstood something. Thought: I don't know what's gotten into my Alpha, I've never seen him so disturbed. What happened, and why is Sara here drunk? I feel Tais's hand in this, and I've told her she's not like her little friends.

Tais - hey brother, what are you doing here? She puts on an innocent expression.

Jorge - I should be asking you why she's here and drunk! I say in a stern voice, making them scared, especially my little sister.

Tais - well, she wanted to come, I told her not to, but she insisted. And besides, she's grown up, she knows how to take care of herself. And she's not innocent, don't you think she knows how to do those things? Thought: I don't know why he defends her. Ugh, even the Alpha came to her defense. I just have to show that she's just like or even worse than the other girls. Ever since Pedro said he liked her, I've hated her. They think she's different, amusing.

Narrated by Sara:

I don't know what happened, but I saw an angel coming to save me from this agony that I thought would never end. With his black hair, slightly bronzed skin, a powerful presence, and those eyes, I couldn't stop staring at his deep blue eyes. But there was anger in his gaze, hatred, I don't know why. And then he pulled me, not gently, with the brutality he possessed, and pushed the guy away, punching him. Then, I blacked out.

Jorge - Tais, I don't know what happened, but I'm taking her to her family. He glares at Tais and says, "We'll talk at home, young lady." He turns to the guys and says, "I hope you didn't do anything without her consent, you punk. If you did, you'll be a dead man." He makes a gesture, mimicking cutting his throat.

Rodolfo - No, I didn't do anything, I swear. He lowers his head and pretends to cry. Thought: I'm so angry, now everyone is seeing me begging that I didn't do anything to her. Well, too bad I didn't, but there will be another time. She will be mine, and I give him a fake smile without him noticing.

Caio - I don't know what happened, I have nothing to do with this. He looks at Tais with a confused expression, not understanding what just happened.

Tais's thought - Everything was going according to plan for Rodolfo to take her and take her virginity. I give a smile.

Jorge carries Sara in his arms and takes her home.

Episode 3

I looked out the window and saw the dark storm clouds rolling in. The wind began to pick up, and the rain started to fall in heavy droplets. I hurriedly closed the window and ran to grab my raincoat. As I stepped outside, I couldn't believe my eyes. The rain was pouring down in torrents, drenching everything in its path. I quickly made my way to my car, trying to shield myself from the rain with my coat. The wind whipped through my hair as I fumbled with my keys. Finally, I managed to unlock the car and jumped inside. I turned on the windshield wipers and slowly began to drive away, the rain beating against the car's roof. I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as I navigated through the rain-soaked streets. The storm was raging all around me, but I felt safe and protected inside my car.

I just woke up with a terrible headache because of this pain... and I remember everything. It's like a movie playing in my head, Rodolfo kissing me, grabbing me - disgusting. I rush to the bathroom because I feel dirty from his touch, standing under the shower, and I start crying. I ask myself why I had that drink and why I let him touch me. My tears flow even more, wishing I could be stronger to defend myself. My inner wolf seeks revenge, wanting to kill that bastard. I stay there for hours, crying, and then that image of that man comes back.

And when that man arrives, my heart races. I could spend hours just looking at him. But then I started to see hatred in his eyes, anger as if he wanted to strangle me. So, he grabs me and pulls me away from Rodolfo's arms and in that moment, I felt relieved that he saved me. But then I see him punching Rodolfo and I don't remember anything else.

What happened? Who was that man? And how did I end up at home? Now that I see it, I'm a dead wolf. My mother will kill me. I put on a fearful expression.

Knock, knock, knock... someone is knocking on the door. It can only be my mother.

Sara: I'm coming out of the shower!

I rush to put on a loose blouse and a short skirt, comb my hair, and open the door.

Sara: Lucas! I'm surprised.

Lucas: Hey sis, how are you? He passes his hand through my hair as if I were a little puppy. So, tell me, what happened for Jorge, the Beta of the Alpha, to bring you unconscious and drunk? He looks at me and makes an angry face.

Sara's thoughts: What do you mean, the Beta, Jorge? Oh my, was he the one who saved me? But what about that man? Well, Tais must have asked him to bring me, that must be it. I look at my brother and say.

Sara: I accidentally drank something and passed out. I don't remember what happened. I look at him and I know he wants to kill me. But I swear, nothing happened and I promise I won't go to that place again. I put on a crying face.

Lucas' thoughts: Yeah right, she thinks I'm stupid. She cried and it's clear that something happened. They'll pay when I find out.

Lucas: Okay, Sara, but I'm still going to get to the bottom of this. You're lucky it was me who was home. Our mother had to leave and ended up sleeping at Aunt Lenir's because she's sick.

Sara: What's wrong with her? I try to change the subject, genuinely concerned about Aunt Lenir.

Lucas: Yeah, changing the subject, huh? I think she had a stroke. Our mother will only come tomorrow and she already said your dress is ready for the presentation party.

Sara: The dress? And I make a face, not liking the idea of having to wear a dress either.

Narrating as Sara:

Lucas left, saying he was going to meet his friends. Well, he's already 26 years old, I guess soon he will find his mate and I'll be left with our mother. Well, at least I want to stay in my own world, in my house. At least that's where I feel happy.

I decided to go out into the woods, releasing my wolf who is angry and seeking revenge. I transform into a white wolf, and my eyes still remain green, only changing to a reddish tone when I'm angry. I run through the woods, feeling free, running so much that I end up near a waterfall. The place is beautiful, my eyes shine with the beauty of that place. I stay there, admiring the falling water, not realizing that the day is passing and it's getting late.

And then I turn my attention back to the woods, sensing someone watching me. I feel scared and position myself in a defensive posture, ready to attack. But I don't see anything anymore, whoever was there must have left. But I'm sure it was a wolf. I better go back home.

Narrating as Derek:

After what happened, I went home with that redhead and today I sent her away as quickly as possible before lunch. I hate these kinds of women who only give themselves away for money, and now I feel like an idiot for embarrassing myself. I don't know what came over me, but the memory of that girl doesn't leave my mind. She is so beautiful, and those eyes... my heart races, my wolf is agitated, so I go out to the woods, transforming into a huge black wolf with blue eyes. Alphas like me are the only ones whose eyes don't change color when transforming, unlike other wolves whose eyes turn black. I run among the trees with ferocious speed, and suddenly my wolf feels strange, as if recognizing something. And then I see...

A white she-wolf, the most beautiful I have ever seen, I try to hide so she doesn't notice that I am here, but it's in vain. She turns quickly and looks in my direction. What beautiful green eyes she has. I am completely lost staring into them. Soon, she assumes a defensive position, waiting for an attack. I dart away so she doesn't notice me, leaving her there. I need to find out who this she-wolf is and where she comes from. Surely she must be the daughter of an Alpha, judging by her green eyes. I have never seen such beauty in my life. And soon, I arrive at my house.

Narration by Tais:

Today, I woke up angry because yesterday didn't go as planned. But I have to do something tomorrow at the Alpha's party. I saw how he defended her, and I want the Alpha for myself. That bitch isn't going to keep him because he's mine.

I'm going to call Rodolfo right away so we can plan everything. And this time, it can't go wrong. Besides the Alpha, she will be humiliated in front of everyone. And I burst out laughing.

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